”Inspire Me!” – WebTV-interview in English


In this inerview – my first interview about my work in english – I give a brief presentation of my book ”To learn with the Heart – When knowledge and value becomes one”. The book is a theoretical and practical book about the need of concious lerning in a new time and a new Schoolparadigm.

The book ”To learn with the Heart – When knowledge and value becomes one”  is yet about to get translated into English.  Here you will have a short introduction to the book:

The book is raising awareness of the opportunities and perspectives that brings us closer to the answers to how we may:

… Give our children the opportunity of a personal development based on their individual needs, circumstances, talents and abilities, whatever those are.
… Give our children the opportunity to maintain and develop their own leadership, their internal management, motivation and drive.
… Give our children the opportunity to maintain and develop their free and creative thinking.
… Give our children the opportunity to develop into confident, self-aware individuals with an understanding of both their own and other people´s value.

As well as how we may:

… Create an inspiring environment in which our children may develop in joy and confidence in their own ability.
….Raise sustainable human beings in order to create a sustainable society.
… Create a more healthy and prosperous future generation, than the one we see today.
… Create a society inhabited by a humanity which is fully willing to take responsibility for their lives, their needs, thoughts, feelings, actions and relationships.

In this book Sanna Nova Emilia shows us a path toward a more self-aware and caring society, where the future we wish to create for our children lays closer than we ever dared to believe. Within every single one of us …

Bild av Robert Jarnroth
Robert Jarnroth
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